Lashlifting Training
The training includes:
- Training materials (script)
- Verpflegung
- Snacks
- Drinks
- Certificat
- Starter set
5% discount:
Our students include a 5% discount on all products in the store for 1 year.
As soon as another training is attended,
the discount is automatically extended by one year, starting from the day of the training.
1 DAY: 299€ INCL. VAT
Lashlifting Training
The training includes:
- Training materials (script)
- Verpflegung
- Snacks
- Drinks
- Certificat
- Starter set
5% discount:
Our students include a 5% discount on all products in the store for 1 year.
As soon as another training is attended,
the discount is automatically extended by one year, starting from the day of the training.
1 DAY: 299€ INCL. VAT